Exam Policy

Exam Policy

    If a student remains absent for a test or an examination on account of ill health, a medical certificate will have to be produced, preferably on the same day to the earliest in appropriate time . However, please do not send pupils who are ill, even if there is a No sick child will be allowed to give a test.

Due consideration will be given for day to day work including projects,homework, worksheets, class participation, good conduct, and communicating skills.

     All projects, which are evaluated for internal assessment, should be necessarily done by them in the school ,under the supervision of the teacher concerned . No ready made projects are acceptable and such projects will not be However inputs from parents will improve the child’s understanding or implementation of projects, are welcome.

Student’s should bring all necessary materials such as pencils, pen, rulers, Erasers Instrument boxes etc. No body will be allowed to borrow things as it would causes disturbance and in convenience to others.

Students are not expected to indulge in any malpractice such as cheating in t h e examination, stealing blank answer sheets ,asking others for answers copying etc. Any body found reported to indulge in any such mal practice will be awarded Zero.

No text books or note books or other papers are to be brought to the examination hall. students found copying or using unfair means during the examinations or discovered subsequently are punishable with expulsion from the examination hall, cancellation of all the papers and dismissal of the student.

The minimum marks required: Pass  33% (For Std I & VIII)


Open House : The result of the examination and unit tests will be entered in the. progress report after every examination or test is held Parents are requested to sign and return it to the authorities in confirmation of their having seen it. If the parent want to see the last term exam papers(final exam) they have to give the written application to the principal and (will be shown) same within 7 working days (Applicable only for approved applications).

Under the new scheme of evaluation, a students performance is assessed on the behavioral out comes

Formative Evaluation : Internal Assessment is based on class work, home assignments, worksheets, oral. The project method is evaluated through regular class work and appraisal. Emphasis is on experimental and participative learning.

Summative Evaluation: Written paper and orals.

Students of from Std 1 to Std 8 will be promoted to the next class at the end of the academic year if minimum learning competencies in the basic school subjects are achieved i.e grade C2.

All matters regarding Promotions are left entirely to the discretion of the Headmaster / Headmistress and his/her decisions shall be final.

In the case of S. S. C., examinations, the forms are filled in advance for convenience only and the School authorities reserve the right to withdraw said examination forms if the conduct or attendance of the pupil is not found satisfactory.

The school gives exposure to the following competetive exams:

Scholarship Exams

Buddhishali Exams

Tap the Talent Exam